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Directory of Eye Physicians and Surgeons

Chew, Jesse Dr.


#1025 - 1200 Burrard Street
Vancouver V6Z 2C7
Tel: (604) 682-8211
Fax: (604) 681-7939

Other Languages: Cantonese
Specialty: Cataract and Refractive Surgery

Chui, Lica Dr.


#520- 943 West Broadway
Vancouver V5Z 4E1
Tel: (604) 875-6985
Fax: (604) 875-6974

Other Languages: Cantonese / Mandarin
Specialty: Retina, medical

Chuo, Jean Dr.


616-2525 Willow St
Vancouver V5Z 3N8
Tel: 604-879-9311

Specialty: General and Neuro-ophthalmology

Claasen, Johannes Dr.


#202 - 1530 Cliffe Ave
Courtenay V9N 2K4
Tel: (250) 703-2055
Fax: (250) 703-2065

Other Languages: Afrikaans
Specialty: General Ophthalmology

Office #2:
102-4675 Marine Dr
Powell River V8A 2L2